Friday 17 September 2021

How to Upload Video Files using PHP and MySQLi

 This tutorial teaches you how to upload and store the name of a video in a MySQL Database while the actual video file is saved in a folder on your server using PHP

The tutorial is beneficial to as many who may have designed an application that requires uploading, retrieving and displaying video files to an end user.

There are three main pages created in this tutorial which are the database_connection.php file that contains the database connection php codes, the index.php file which is made up of html form and the save_video.php file which contains the php codes that uploads the videos sent from the index.php file into a folder on your server and also save the name of the video file in a database for easy retrieval when the videos are later needed in your application.

The index.php file also shows how you can retrieve the videos using the names earlier saved in the database to get the videos from the folder where they are saved on the server.

By storing media files in a MySQL database with the actual video files saved in a folder on your server makes it easier to retrieve files uploaded by an end user or in a specific category.

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