Saturday 29 December 2012

Multiple File Upload using Ajax, Jquery and PHP

This tutorial helps and teaches you how to create a simple but powerful multiple file upload with an option to remove unwanted added files using Ajax, Jquery and PHP.

To add or upload a file, simply click on the Browse File button, select the file that you wish to add or upload and that file will be uploaded automatically without any additional submit button.

You can add or upload as many files as possible provided the file type is in the list of allowed file formats.

The system supports all browsers and the script is written in a way that any one can easily understand and customize with proper programming code comments to ease usability.

No configuration is required to use or install the system on your server.

Multiple File Upload using Ajax, Jquery and PHP

Facebook style Search People and Products using Ajax, Jquery and PHP

This tutorial teaches you how to automatically search for People and Pages as a user types into the search box his or her search term just as Facebook does using Ajax, Jquery and PHP.

This is an auto-suggestion system that helps you to create a user friendly search system with results displayed on the screen and in a nice format as the users of your system or website type in their search terms.

This is an Ajax, Jquery and PHP script and its very simple to understand and customize.