Thursday, 20 February 2014

Preview and upload multiple files using Jquery and PHP

This tutorial helps and teaches you how to build a simple but powerful preview and upload multiple files system using Jquery and PHP.

The essence of this tutorial is to teach individuals how they can actually preview files before they are been uploaded.

Our previous scripts on file upload require one external plugin or the other but this one does not rely on any external file upload plugin such as jQuery Form Plugin which has made this application the simplest of all the file upload scripts on Vasplus.

You only need to have the jQuery JavaScript Library which is a necessity for all websites that work with JavaScript.

If you have noticed while uploading files with scripts that require the jQuery Form Plugin, you must have seen that your browser tab loads when the files are uploading but this one does not load at all while the files are uploaded.

When you upload a file by browsing for the file or files intended for upload, the files are renamed with a combination of a random string plus the original extension of the file and saved in a folder on your server for later use.

This is one of the best multiple file upload script on Vasplus because the process involve is not much and the system is very easy to implement in any application.

The system supports all modern browsers and the scripts are written in a way that any one can easily understand and customize with programming code comments to ease usability.

Preview and upload multiple files using Jquery and PHP

E-Learning System

This application has been designed to give you an organization the best by working in accordance to your specification. We believe in adding extra value to your services.

The Vasplus E-Learning System is a complete Web Application that helps to improve the performance and the entire system of Schools, Colleges or Universities all over the world.

This system is good for both distant and campus learning. It helps an organization to easily distribute learning materials among students and also enhances learning experience.

What is an E-learning?
E-learning simply means using technology to deliver training at anytime, anywhere.
The E-learning system can produce great results to an organization by decreasing costs and improving performance.

To continue reading this, please visit the link below.


E-Learning System