This tutorial helps and teaches you how to build a simple but powerful Private Messaging System which is similar to that of Facebook with amazing features such as the following:
(1) Log-in System.
(2) Option to Compose and Send New Messages.
(3) Option to search for a desired user or friend for messaging purpose.
(4) Displaying of users in the system which could also be referred to as Friends List.
(5) Sending of messages without page refresh.
(6) Displaying of newly sent message(s) without page refresh.
(7) Show short titles or descriptions for sent and received messages - similar to Facebook,
(8) Show sent and received message status such as (Read or Unread) - similar to Facebook,
(9) Set current user or friend communicating with to selected even when the page is reloaded - similar to Facebook.
(10) File attachments with File Identification.
(11) Download attached files with photo enlargement - similar to Facebook.
(12) Hide and show send message button - similar to Facebook.
(13) Press enter key to send messages - similar to Facebook.
(14) View all conversations had with friends or users.
(15) Nice view of date and time messages are or were sent.
(16) Delete messages without page refresh.
(17) Nice confirmation box for message deletion and log out, etc.
The system supports all browsers and the script is written in a way that any one can easily understand and customize with good programming code comments to ease usability.
To disable the current log-in for this system so as to use your existing log-in systems, just create a cookie session with the following variables:
Below is a JQuery Code Example but you can as well do it with PHP depending on what you prefer.
$.cookie('session_username', 'Logged-in session username goes in here');
$.cookie('session_fullname', 'Logged-in session fullname goes in here');
$.cookie('friends_username', 'Logged-in session username goes in here again');
$.cookie('friends_fullname', 'Logged-in session fullname goes in here again');
That's all. Once you have created the cookie session with the above variables during the log-in process of your existing system, the page where the private message system is placed will not prompt for a second log-in again and the system will as well identify the logged-in user.
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