Friday 24 January 2014

Multiple File Upload using Dropzonejs, Jquery and PHP

This tutorial helps and teaches you how to design a simple but powerful multiple file upload system where you can either choose to browse for the files that you intend to upload or drag and drop the files that you intend to upload in the upload zone with an option to remove unwanted added files using Dropzonejs, Jquery and PHP.

What is Dropzonejs?
Dropzonejs is an open source library that provides a drag and drop file uploads with image previews.

This system works with a database where the names of files uploaded are saved for later use.

When you upload a file by either browsing for the files intended for upload or drag and drop the files intended for upload in the upload zone, the files are renamed with a combination of a random string plus the original name of the file and saved in a folder on your server with the name of the file saved in your database for later use.

This is one of the best multiple file upload script on Vasplus because the process involve are not much and the system is very easy to implement in any application.

The system supports all modern browsers and the scripts are written in a way that any one can easily understand and customize with programming code comments to ease usability.

Multiple File Upload using Dropzonejs, Jquery and PHP

School Management System

This is to inform you that we have just upgraded some features of the School Management System which are listed below.

(1) Private Messaging System - We have changed this module completely with a more powerful design and functionality.

(2) Finance - We have added more features to this module and you can now generate a summary report for Finance in PDF format.

(3) Settings - We have added more features to this module.

(4) Timetable - Generation of Timetable is now in PDF format

(5) Results - Students can not download a copy of their results in PDF format

Website URL:

Demo URL:

Login Details for the different users in the system!

Username: admin
Password: 123456

Username: registrar
Password: 123456

Username: staff
Password: 123456

Username: student
Password: 123456

Thank You!
The Vasplus Team.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Send Invitation Manually to Friends or to Imported Gmail Contacts using Ajax, Jquery and PHP

This is a paid script and it helps you or the users of your website to manually send an invitation from your website to friends and also helps to import the contacts of a Gmail account and then send an invitation from your website to the imported contacts using Ajax, Jquery and PHP.

I will start by explaining what an OAuth which has been used in this application is all about.

OAuth stands for Open Authorization. It is an open and secure protocol that provides a method for clients to access server resources on behalf of a resource owner such as an end-user.

It also provides a process for end-users to authorize third-party access to their server resources without sharing their private information such as username and password using user-agent re-directions.

The essence of this application is to ease the process of inviting friends to a website.

This application works with the latest Google API OAuth 2.0 because the Google OAuth 1.0 which has been in existence for a long time was officially deprecated on April 20, 2012 and Google does not allow new Application registration for OAuth 1.0 any more hence the need to upgrade to their latest version.

In this application, users can choose to manually send an invitation to friends by entering between one and three email addresses of their friends or import their Gmail contacts in a nice and simple way then send an invitation to them without much effort due to the default content in place.

The system supports all modern browsers and the scripts are written in a way that any one can easily understand and customize with good programming code comments to ease usability.

Photo: Send Invitation Manually to Friends or to Imported Gmail Contacts using Ajax, Jquery and PHP

This is a paid script and it helps you or the users of your website to manually send an invitation from your website to friends and also helps to import the contacts of a Gmail account and then send an invitation from your website to the imported contacts using Ajax, Jquery and PHP.

I will start by explaining what an OAuth which has been used in this application is all about.

OAuth stands for Open Authorization. It is an open and secure protocol that provides a method for clients to access server resources on behalf of a resource owner such as an end-user. 

It also provides a process for end-users to authorize third-party access to their server resources without sharing their private information such as username and password using user-agent re-directions.

The essence of this application is to ease the process of inviting friends to a website.

This application works with the latest Google API OAuth 2.0 because the Google OAuth 1.0 which has been in existence for a long time was officially deprecated on April 20, 2012 and Google does not allow new Application registration for OAuth 1.0 any more hence the need to upgrade to their latest version.

In this application, users can choose to manually send an invitation to friends by entering between one and three email addresses of their friends or import their Gmail contacts in a nice and simple way then send an invitation to them without much effort due to the default content in place.

The system supports all modern browsers and the scripts are written in a way that any one can easily understand and customize with good programming code comments to ease usability.


Click here to view this tutorial