Saturday 21 September 2013

School Management System

Dear All,

The long awaiting Vasplus School Management System is finally here.

To see and demo the system for yourself, please follow this URL:

At the demo website, please click on the "Live Demo" button to see the system in action.

For demo login details, please click on the link that says "Click here for Demo Login Details" at the login page and the login detail box will appear at the right side of that page.

You can start your demonstration by logging in as an admin to see the admin control panel. The same applies to the other users in the system.

After you have logged into the system as an admin, don't forget to click in the search box at the top of the page to see the drop down box with options which is similar to the new Facebook design as promised.

The same applies when you login in as a student, staff or registrar but the icons with options differs.

If you need any information about the system or as regards buying the application, you can always contact us via the demo website.

Thank You!
Vasplus Team.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Shopping Cart Version 5.0

This is a paid tutorial and it teaches you how to design a simple but powerful Shopping Cart or an Online Store where you can sale any type of product and fully manage all the activities in the system on a single page without the page refreshing using Ajax, Jquery and PHP.

This system works with MySql Database and there are two type of users in the system and they are User Admin and Normal User.

User Admin is the user with the role "admin" in the database table and the Normal User is the user with the role "normal" in the database table.

The system allows users or customers to view items or products which are available for sale in your store.
Before a user can add an item or product that he or she wishes to buy to cart, the system will prompt for log in with an option to sign-up in one simple step provided the user or customer does not already have an account in the system.

When a user or customer newly registers, the role of that user or customer is set to "normal" by default in the users table. 

Now, lets assume you are the admin or owner of this system and wishes to change the role of a registered user or customer to an admin, all you will do is to edit the users table and change the role of the user from "normal" to "admin" and the system will begin to regard such user as an admin when the user logs into the system.

Upon successfully log in, the system will take the user back to the item that he or she previously wanted to add to cart and also present the user with a link to edit his or her account.

After a user or customer has added a desired item or product to cart, the system will show a moving notification basket for the added item or product. The user or customer who added the item to cart can click on the moving shopping cart basket to see all the items he or she has added to cart with an option to Remove un-wanted item, Checkout or Empty his or her cart.

Users or customers can always login to see their purchased history which could also be referred as Purchased Items in the system, they can as well update their account details.

The administrator of the system can view and manege all the registered users in the system, he or she can view and manage all the purchased items in the system, he or she can also add new items or products to the shopping cart or online store for sale.

Items or products in the store can be browsed by categories with a pagination for easy viewing or browsing.

The system has a nice website design as seen at the demo page and supports all browsers and the scripts are written in a way that any one can easily understand and customize with good programming code comments to ease usability.

Payment is required before you can be able to download this script.

To install the system on your server after you must have paid and downloaded the zipped folder containing the required files, please extract the file to your system then, open the file named README.txt and follow the three installation steps given in that file.

Shopping Cart Version 5.0

Chat Application Version 6.0

This is paid tutorial and it teaches you how to build a simple but powerful cross-browser chat system where users can be able to chat both publicly and privately with each other using Ajax, Jquery and PHP.

Some amazing features of the chat system are shown below:

(1) Sign-up and Log-in System with Account Verification.
(2) Forgot Password System with Security Question and Answer.
(3) Send New Messages by "Pressing Enter Key" on Computer Keyboard or "Button".
(4) Displaying of users Online.
(5) View Online User information such as Age, Gender, Location, About Me before chating with the user.
(6) Chat Publicly or Privately with Users Online.
(7) The system will set current user or friend communicating with to selected even when the page is reloaded - similar to Facebook Messaging System.
(8) File attachments with File Identification.
(9) Download attached files with photo enlargement - similar to Facebook Messaging System.
(10) Hide and show send message button - similar to Facebook Messaging System.
(11) Delete messages without page refresh.
(12) Nice confirmation box for message deletion and log out, etc.

The system supports all browsers and the script is written in a way that any one can easily understand and customize with good programming code comments to ease usability.

Payment is required before you can be able to download this script.

To install the system on your server after you must have paid and downloaded the zipped folder containing the required files, please extract the file to your system then, open the file named README.txt and follow the three installation steps given in that file.

Chat Application Version 6.0

Chat Application Version 6.0

Click here to view this tutorial